The main objective of setting up firefighting systems is to reduce the great danger caused by various fires, protect the lives of individuals in the facility, and reduce the losses that may afflict the building as a result of the fire.
The firefighting systems are absolutely indispensable in facilities, especially service facilities, which are more exposed to fire than others.|What are the types of firefighting systems?
There are different types of firefighting systems using the material intended for extinguishing, which are:Firefighting system using water pumps:This system is a set of water pumps (fire pumps) with special specifications to drive water in order to deal with fire through pipes and sprinklers that operate with electric motors to maintain the water pressure level.
Water firefighting system:
This fire-fighting system differs from pumps, as this type uses water mist with reliance on pressure to put out fires.
Co2 firefighting system:
One of the most important features of carbon dioxide is that it helps reduce the temperature, which helps extinguish the fire. These cylinders are filled with gas in the form of a liquid, but it turns into gas when the fire breaks out. This type is usually used in fires caused by electric shorts.
Firefighting system using FM200 gas:
This type is relied on in places where the rates of electrical fires are high, and it is also suitable for extinguishing fires of solid materials.
Foam firefighting system:
It is a group of bubbles filled with air consisting of an aqueous solution, and its most important feature is that it has a lower density than liquids, which makes it able to separate and cool the air and stop the outbreak of fire.
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